The Makings of my 3rd Manic Episode

Brendan Terrick
2 min readApr 13, 2024


Lithium was my drug of choiceI since 2010 , which I stopped taking by late December 2020 or January 2021 at the recommendation of my GP. I weened myself off of it, but didn’t replace the mood stabilizer. I was still taking my anti-psychotic meds. In addition to eating well, I felt peppy, quick with a quip, smoked a cigar a day or a pipe when I had enough cigar butts to cram in the bowl. Sleeping but not enough to get refreshed but not lacking enough to make me groggy. I need at least five hours of deep sleep to function during the day firming on all cylinders.

My job at a chemical warehouse was awesome. My fellow work mates were fun to work with and I was happy but not fond of the job and felt I could find something better. On April Foo’s day I came into work dressed as a clown. It is my profile pick. I had a lot of fun that day. But this action would have been a red flag had I been paying attention to my thoughts feelings and actions,

In July 2021 I quit my job. Jobs with temp agencies spots were few and far in-between and I panicked having stepped on too many toes to be welcomed back after I had left.

I panicked because I left a good paying job without any job to go to afterwards. IWith no income, there was rent I couldn’t afford and debt that was mounting and I was only able to cover the interest fees without paying much of the principal.

There also was a five gallon pot of magic mushroom tea that I brewed and I thought I’d be micro-dosing because of he large water to mushroom ratio. This just meant that I drank a lot and it felt about the same amount of happiness but I failed to realize just how happy I was. Many happy thoughts and day dreams crossed my mind, but I didn’t pickup on my warning signs of lack of sleep, gratifying sexual fantasies, and lack of appetite. The warning signs were all in my journal, which I treated as once on paper out off mind. I let my thoughts wander unchecked and set the stage for a manic episode of epic proportions.



Brendan Terrick

All my ducks in a row was my goal in life. I’ve learnt this hardly ever occurs. So I’ve switched to buckshot. :) Substantial change comes from within yourself.